Absinthe is also called the green fairy. The history of Absinth begins at the beginning of the eighteenth century in the Val de Travers in the French-speaking region of Switzerland. It was then that an alcohol distillate began to be produced from wormwood, anise and other herbs. Soon Absinthe was said to be a universal remedy. Who the exact inventor of Absinthe is is still disputed today. However, the name of the pharmacist Dr. Pierre Ordinaire is mentioned again and again. So some sorts of Absinthe were named after him.

Absinthe was one of the most popular spirits in the world in the middle of the nineteenth century until it was banned at the beginning of the 20th century. Many famous artists and poets, from all parts of Europe and especially from France, drank Absinthe in large quantities. Many of them wanted to expand their consciousness through the effects attributed to Absinthe. In the end Absinthe was banned for various reasons.

But today Absinthe is legal again. In the meantime, there are various types of this high-proof spirit, which is traditionally made from wormwood (artemisia absinthium) and other medicinal herbs, especially green anise and fennel. You will find an exclusive selection of Absinthe in our shop.

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